mayo 21, 2024

¿Dormir por la tarde provoca aumento de peso?

Afternoon Naps Causes weight gain – is it true? Afternoon Naps are something our parents and grandparents have been doing since a long

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Artículos Sin categorizar

Dispara un jonrón en cualquier entrevista con estos 5 consejos

Want to ace in an interview and grab the job you have been wanting? Here are 5 tips to succeed – Be positiveThe

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La influencer de las redes sociales Nagma Mirajkar desfiló en la Semana de la Moda de Australia

Nagma walked the ramp for Indian couturière Archana Kochhar After a freaking two year gap, Indian fashion week Australia will be returned to

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La seguridad cibernética

Las fallas de alta gravedad en Juniper Junos OS afectan los dispositivos de redes empresariales

Juniper Junos OS suffered several security flaws, some of which could be exploited to achieve code execution. Chief among them is a remote

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La seguridad cibernética

Twilio sufre otra violación después del ataque de agosto: se sospecha que los mismos piratas informáticos están detrás de ambas violaciones

Same Hackers are suspected behind the August and June security breaches. After the August hack resulted in unauthorized access of customer information, Communication

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Té vs café: ¿Quién será el ganador en esta batalla 4ever?

The battle between tea and coffee is definitely a battle worth watching. Are you a coffee person or a tea person? Do you

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Musk pone fuego a sus pasos de bienvenida en Twitter: al menos el 75 por ciento será despedido.

Musk plans to lay at least 75 percent of the workers at the company before 1st November After the takeover of Twitter, Elon

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Receta elegante de moda fusión mostrada por Katrina Kaif- Ishaan se llevó el premio número 1 por su comentario “Fringini”

Recipes of fused fashion cooked elegantly by Katrina. Actress Katrina Kaif wins everyone with her soothing smile and there’s absolutely no doubt about

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Chhath Puja: todo lo que necesita saber sobre esta auspiciosa Puja

Chhath Puja is an ancient Hindu festival. The Sun God is celebrated during this puja. Chhath Puja is an ancient Hindu festival celebrated

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El mayor productor de cobre de la UE, Aurubis, sufre un ciberataque

Aurubis which is German copper producer suffers cyberattack German copper producer Aurubis ,which is Europe’s largest copper producer and the world’s second largest,

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es_AREspañol de Argentina