mayo 21, 2024

La nueva regla de Elon Musk para los empleados de Twitter: Trabaja 12 horas al día, 7 días a la semana o te despiden

Elon Musk introduces a new “Do or Die” policy on Twitter. Elon Musk has just bought Twitter and made some big decisions related

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Múltiples vulnerabilidades reportadas en el software de monitoreo de infraestructura de TI Checkmk

The vulnerabilities detected could be chained together Multiple vulnerabilities have been disclosed in Checkmk IT Infrastructure monitoring software that could be chained together

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La seguridad cibernética

Piratas informáticos chinos utilizan una nueva cadena de infección sigilosa para implementar el malware LODEINFO

Chinese state-sponsored threat actor targets media, diplomatic, governmental and public sector organizations and think-tanks in Japan Stone Panda which is the Chinese state-sponsored

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La seguridad cibernética

Descifrando la agenda de Quad y centrándose en la ciberseguridad

In late-September, Quad foreign ministers released a joint statement on cyberattacks . Can Quad prevent increasing cyberattacks in the Indo-Pacific? In June, Quad

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La seguridad cibernética

Microsoft amplía CyberShikshaa; proporcionar capacitación en seguridad cibernética a 45,000; 10.000 puestos de trabajo.

Microsoft has announced the expansion of its CyberShikshaa program. CyberShikshaa program launched by Microsoft and DSCI in 2018 claims to have trained 1,100

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The Ultimate 10: Taylor Swift se convierte en la única artista en reservar los 10 lugares con sus canciones en Billboard Hot 100

Taylor Swift released a new album – Midnights which came out on October 21 with both a 13-track standard release and a deluxe

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RBI lanzará piloto de rupia digital para segmento mayorista a partir del 1 de noviembre

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is all set to start a pilot project with its own virtual currency The Reserve Bank of

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Sara Ali Khan se ve absolutamente hermosa en su último traje fotográfico.

Sara Ali Khan proves that cotton suits will always remain in Trend. When it comes to Fashion, the first thing that should be

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La seguridad cibernética

Parche no oficial lanzado para la nueva vulnerabilidad MotW de Windows explotada activamente

An unofficial patch has been made available for an actively exploited security flaw in Microsoft Windows The newly released patch makes it possible

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La seguridad cibernética

Fodcha DDoS Botnet resurge con nuevas capacidades

The threat actor behind the Fodcha distributed denial-of-service botnet has reemerged with new capabilities. This includes changes to its communication protocol and the

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es_AREspañol de Argentina