Maggio 16, 2024

Dormire al pomeriggio fa aumentare di peso?

Afternoon Naps Causes weight gain – is it true? Afternoon Naps are something our parents and grandparents have been doing since a long

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Articoli Non categorizzato

Scatta un fuoricampo in qualsiasi intervista con questi 5 suggerimenti

Want to ace in an interview and grab the job you have been wanting? Here are 5 tips to succeed – Be positiveThe

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L'influencer dei social media Nagma Mirajkar ha partecipato alla settimana della moda australiana

Nagma walked the ramp for Indian couturière Archana Kochhar After a freaking two year gap, Indian fashion week Australia will be returned to

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Sicurezza informatica

Difetti ad alta gravità nel sistema operativo Juniper Junos interessano i dispositivi di rete aziendali

Juniper Junos OS suffered several security flaws, some of which could be exploited to achieve code execution. Chief among them is a remote

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Sicurezza informatica

Twilio subisce un'altra violazione dopo l'hack di agosto: gli stessi hacker sono sospettati dietro entrambe le violazioni

Same Hackers are suspected behind the August and June security breaches. After the August hack resulted in unauthorized access of customer information, Communication

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Tè vs caffè – Chi sarà il vincitore in questa battaglia 4ever?

The battle between tea and coffee is definitely a battle worth watching. Are you a coffee person or a tea person? Do you

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Musk imposta i suoi passi di benvenuto con il fuoco su Twitter: almeno il 75% verrà licenziato.

Musk plans to lay at least 75 percent of the workers at the company before 1st November After the takeover of Twitter, Elon

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L'elegante ricetta della moda fusion mostrata da Katrina Kaif-Ishaan ha vinto il primo premio per il suo commento "Fringini"

Recipes of fused fashion cooked elegantly by Katrina. Actress Katrina Kaif wins everyone with her soothing smile and there’s absolutely no doubt about

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Chhath Puja- Tutto quello che devi sapere su questa Puja di buon auspicio

Chhath Puja is an ancient Hindu festival. The Sun God is celebrated during this puja. Chhath Puja is an ancient Hindu festival celebrated

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Il più grande produttore di rame dell'UE, Aurubis, subisce un attacco informatico

Aurubis which is German copper producer suffers cyberattack German copper producer Aurubis ,which is Europe’s largest copper producer and the world’s second largest,

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