April 28, 2024
Keamanan cyber

Banyak lembaga keuangan mengatakan bahwa staf TI mereka memiliki risiko terbesar terhadap keamanan cloud

44% of financial institutions say their own IT staffs pose the biggest risk to data security in the cloud. A follow-on to a

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Keamanan cyber

Personel dunia maya Rusia 'berkinerja buruk' di Ukraina:

U.S. Defense official said that Russia’s cyber personnel underperformed during Ukraine’s initial invasion A senior Pentagon official on Wednesday said that Russia’s cyber

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Keamanan cyber

Peretas Tiongkok Menggunakan 42.000 Domain Penipu dalam Kampanye Serangan Phishing Masif

The threat actor have registered over 42,000 imposter domains A China-based financially motivated group is leveraging the trust associated with popular international brands to

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Keamanan cyber

CEO DSCI: Keamanan nasional, membangun produk keamanan siber dalam agenda kami

‘Tremendous amount’ of data will be flowing into India, says DSCI The Data Security Council of India (DSCI), a group set up by

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3 cara sederhana melatih otak agar lebih sukses

Train your brain to be successful with these 3 ways. There is power in practice. Even if you’re somebody with a natural physical

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Keamanan cyber

Tidak ada senjata, tidak ada penjaga, tidak ada gerbang.' NSA terbuka untuk orang luar dalam memperjuangkan keamanan siber

The NSA ’s Cybersecurity Collaboration Center is designed to bring NSA cyber analysts closer to outside threat hunters. The beige corridors and heavily

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Keamanan cyber

Cacat RCE Kritis Dilaporkan di Katalog Perangkat Lunak Backstage dan Platform Pengembang Spotify

Music Platform Spotify couldn’t stop from being a prey in the hands of cyberattack. Spotify’s Backstage has been discovered as vulnerable to a

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Ranveer Singh memenangkan permainan fesyennya di Marrakech dalam siluet yang dramatis

Ranveer Singh lifting up the fashion trophy once again Ranveer Singh always remains as the hot topic to talk whenever it comes to

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Kajol Menetapkan Tujuan Fashion Dengan Tampilan Merahnya Untuk Peluncuran Trailer Salaam Venky

Kajol being a diva in a red attire. Be it a wedding, a lunch date, or a red-carpet event, red stands to be

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Keamanan cyber

Aplikasi Google Play Store Berbahaya Terlihat Mendistribusikan Trojan Xenomorph Banking

Malicious apps finding its way into the Play Store Google has removed two new malicious dropper apps that have been detected on the

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