Manufacturing workflow in ERPNEXT involve series of things which are important for manufacturing a product.
It involves creating new item,then add details of customer , supplier of rawmaterials,creating bills of material ,production plan,sales and order and purchase order for item and then add rate for delivery so that manufacturing product can be ready for delivering to customers.
For creating a new item search item list and click on it and then fill details of item that is rawmaterial required which include item code,item name,select item group.
Then for adding details of customer of product ,search customer in box above then add details of customer that include name,type of customer that whether it is private,government or individual body,after this add territory from where customer belongs.
Now for adding details of supplier,firstly search supplier in above box in ERPNEXT then add details of supplier which include supplier name,selecting group of supplier and then selecf company of supplier.
First step of manufacturing flow is Bills Of Materials.Firstly add details about first item that is required for manufactuting process.Add its quantity,amount required,itemcode ans then save and submit it.
After adding details of items required make production plan but on the basis of order recieved from customer.

Then go to sales and order and create sales and order.Select customer,delivery date of product and item and save it then submit it.
Then after going to manufacturing create a new production plan .Select sales and order and get items from category.This will automatically led to fetch Bills of Maufacturing then save and submit it.
From production plan one can work order.
For item to manufacture add product then rawmaterial and then their quantity required.Select work in progress then submit it.Then this led to everything in place now start workorder.If it is not in stock then create material request.
Now create purchase order for product by filling supplier then submit it.
Create purchasing order and update stocks and submit it.
In workorder create stock entry and save and then submit it.Then finally finish it.After these steps add finished products in our stores.Add valuation rate for item and submit it.
As product will be in stock .Then go to save order and create delivery note and create invoice that is add rate for deliverya and submit it .This all steps contribute to manufacturing workflow in ERPNEXT.