黑客滥用 Microsoft OAuth 应用程序来破坏公司电子邮件帐户
周二,微软宣布已采取行动,禁用用于构建有害 OAuth 应用程序的虚假 Microsoft 合作伙伴网络 (MPN) 帐户,作为旨在渗透企业云环境并窃取电子邮件的网络钓鱼活动的一部分。这家 IT 公司声称欺诈者“构建了随后 [...]
Organizations in East Asia are targeted by likely Chinese-speaking actor dubbed DragonSpark while employing uncommon tactics to go past security layers. Chinese hackers utilize malware and attacks are characterized by use of open source SparkRAT and malware which attempts to evade detection through a Golang source code interpretation. A striking aspect of the intrusions is […]
The Emotet malware operation has continued to refine its tactics in a effort to fly under the radar while acting as a conduit for other dangerous malware such as Bumblebee and IcedID. Emotet which is officially reemerged in late 2021 after which a coordinated takedown of its infrastructure by authorities earlier that year which has […]
Apple has fixes for a recently disclosed critical security flaw that is affecting older devices which is reciting evidence of active exploitation. The issue which is tracked as CVE-2022-42856 and is a type confusion vulnerability in the WebKit browser engine that could result in arbitrary code execution when processing maliciously crafted web content. While it […]
Two security flaws has disclosed in Samsung’s Galaxy Store app for Android that are exploited by a local attacker to install arbitrary apps to fraudulent landing pages on the web. The issues that tracked as CVE-2023-21433 and CVE-2023-21434, were discovered by NCC Group which is notified to the South Korean chaebol in November and December […]
Suspected China-nexus threat actor exploited a recently patched vulnerability in Fortinet FortiOS SSL-VPN as a zero-day in attacks which are targeting a European government entity and a managed service provider (MSP)that is located in Africa. Telemetry evidence gathered by Google-owned Mandiant indicates that the exploitation is occurred as early as October 2022which is at least […]
OpenAI, the leading AI research organization, is soon set to release the much-awaited ChatGPT API. This powerful language model is trained on a massive dataset of internet text and can generate natural-sounding text in a variety of styles and formats. With the ability to understand context, ChatGPT can generate text that is relevant to a given topic or conversation. The release of the API will make it easy for developers and businesses to integrate the model into their own systems and applications, unlocking the potential for a range of applications such as chatbots, automated customer service, and content creation. Get ready to experience the advancements in AI-powered language generation with OpenAI’s ChatGPT API.
Manufacturing workflow in ERPNEXT involve series of things which are important for manufacturing a product. It involves creating new item,then add details of customer , supplier of rawmaterials,creating bills of material ,production plan,sales and order and purchase order for item and then add rate for delivery so that manufacturing product can be ready for delivering […]
为实现这一目标,我们的目标是尽可能严格地遵守万维网联盟 (W3C) 的 AA 级 Web 内容可访问性指南 2.1 (WCAG 2.1)。这些指南解释了如何使各种残障人士可以访问 Web 内容。遵守这些准则有助于我们确保所有人都可以访问该网站:盲人、有运动障碍的人、视力障碍者、认知障碍者等。
本网站使用各种技术,旨在使其在任何时候都尽可能易于访问。我们使用可访问性界面,允许有特定残障人士调整网站的 UI(用户界面)并根据他们的个人需求进行设计。
此外,该网站利用在后台运行的基于 AI 的应用程序,并不断优化其可访问性级别。此应用程序修复网站的 HTML,调整其功能和行为以适应盲人用户使用的屏幕阅读器以及运动障碍人士使用的键盘功能。
我们的网站采用 ARIA 属性(Accessible Rich Internet Applications)技术,以及各种不同的行为变化,以确保使用屏幕阅读器访问的盲人用户能够阅读、理解和享受网站的功能。一旦拥有屏幕阅读器的用户进入您的网站,他们会立即收到输入屏幕阅读器配置文件的提示,以便他们可以有效地浏览和操作您的网站。以下是我们的网站如何涵盖一些最重要的屏幕阅读器要求,以及代码示例的控制台屏幕截图:
屏幕阅读器优化: 我们运行一个后台进程,从上到下学习网站的组件,以确保即使在更新网站时也能持续合规。在此过程中,我们使用 ARIA 属性集为屏幕阅读器提供有意义的数据。例如,我们提供准确的表格标签;可操作图标的描述(社交媒体图标、搜索图标、购物车图标等);表单输入的验证指南;元素角色,例如按钮、菜单、模式对话框(弹出窗口)等。此外,后台进程会扫描网站的所有图像,并为未描述的图像提供准确且有意义的基于图像对象识别的描述作为 ALT(替代文本)标签。它还将使用 OCR(光学字符识别)技术提取嵌入图像中的文本。要随时打开屏幕阅读器调整,用户只需按 Alt+1 键盘组合即可。屏幕阅读器用户还会在进入网站后立即收到自动通知以打开屏幕阅读器模式。
这些调整与所有流行的屏幕阅读器兼容,包括 JAWS 和 NVDA。
键盘导航优化: 后台进程还对网站的HTML进行了调整,并使用JavaScript代码添加了各种行为,使网站可以通过键盘操作。这包括使用 Tab 和 Shift+Tab 键导航网站,使用箭头键操作下拉菜单,使用 Esc 关闭它们,使用 Enter 键触发按钮和链接,使用箭头键在单选和复选框元素之间导航,以及用空格键或 Enter 键填充它们。此外,键盘用户会发现快速导航和内容跳过菜单,可通过单击 Alt+1 随时使用,或在使用键盘导航时作为站点的第一个元素使用。后台进程还通过在它们出现时立即将键盘焦点移向它们来处理触发的弹出窗口,并且不允许焦点漂移到它之外。
我们的目标是支持尽可能广泛的浏览器和辅助技术,以便我们的用户可以选择最适合他们的工具,并尽可能减少限制。因此,我们非常努力地支持所有占用户市场份额超过 95% 的主要系统,包括 Google Chrome、Mozilla Firefox、Apple Safari、Opera 和 Microsoft Edge、JAWS 和 NVDA(屏幕阅读器),均适用于 Windows和 MAC 用户。