October 18, 2024
Technology Tips & Tricks

Transform your email into easy-to-use lists

Manage your email, clients, tasks and team workflow with ease without leaving your inbox with Sortd .

Sortd for Gmail is a simple and easy add-on for Gmail that will turn your emails into organized lists to help you grow your business.

Effortlessly manage your emails, customers, tasks and team workflow, without ever leaving your Inbox.

Transforms Gmail into an all-in-one workspace to manage sales, service and delivery with jaw dropping efficiency!


Your entire team can now easily see who’s working on what, thanks to a transparent view of both email conversations and team tasks in one place. 

Turn your sales inquiries, orders and customer service into simple workflows that are visible to the entire team.

Perfect for teams and companies that need a simple, cost-effective and powerful solution for important functions like sales, account management and customer support.

Image & Video Sources : Sortd

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