
Un apego ansioso

Un apego ansioso es un tipo de estilo de apego que las personas forman en sus experiencias de la primera infancia con los cuidadores, lo que afecta sus futuras relaciones en la edad adulta. Las personas con un estilo de apego ansioso a menudo se preocupan por sus relaciones y temen el abandono o el rechazo. Las características del apego ansioso incluyen: Dificultad para confiar en los demás Necesidad constante de reafirmación y […]

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Artículos La seguridad cibernética Tecnología

La Agencia Cibernética Británica advierte sobre piratas informáticos rusos e iraníes que apuntan a industrias clave

El jueves, el Centro Nacional de Seguridad Cibernética (NCSC) del Reino Unido emitió una advertencia sobre los ataques de phishing dirigidos por actores patrocinados por el estado en Irán y Rusia. La agencia culpó a SEABORGIUM (también conocido como Callisto, COLDRIVER y TA446) y APT42 por las intrusiones (también conocidas como ITG18, TA453 y Yellow Garuda). A pesar de los paralelismos en la forma en que […]

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La vida es un hermoso viaje

La vida se describe a menudo como un viaje. Esta metáfora se utiliza para transmitir la idea de que la vida es una serie de experiencias y eventos por los que debemos navegar para llegar a nuestro destino final. El viaje de la vida está lleno de altibajos, giros y vueltas y desafíos inesperados. El viaje físico de […]

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Lets make Life a Bliss

As we all know life is full of up and down for everyone.Everyone is struggling in their ownway.But despite of everything how to make life feel like a bliss . Bliss a state of joy and happiness that can be found in the everyday moments of our existence and life. It is a feeling that […]

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Artículos consejos y trucos

Salud es riqueza

The health of a human being is a combination of physical, mental and psychological health. A person’s surrounding influences and affects his/her health in every way. Usually, people worry and maintain about just their physical health, but it is important to maintain physical ,mental and psychological health to keep their body completely healthy. People often […]

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Artículos Moda


Major fashion companies and brands like zara,H&M,and GAP found to exploi Bangladesh garment industry workers, with unfair practices and pay the suppliers less cost of production, according to a study published few days back This study that surveyed many Bangladeshi factories and companies which make garments for global brands and retailers during the COVID pandemic […]

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Artículos consejos y trucos Tendencias


Food delivery apps (Swiggy & Zomato) have made our lives so much easier that these same apps have become a part of our daily go-to-life. Earlier were the days, when you were hungry and craved for something tasty, you needed to go to the restaurant or cook something boring at home but time has changed […]

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Tecnología consejos y trucos

Transform your email into easy-to-use lists

Transforms Gmail into an all-in-one workspace to manage sales, service and delivery with jaw dropping efficiency!

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consejos y trucos

Top Movies on Cyber Security

Let’s have a Cyber Weekend! ✅ Mr. Robot. A series that tells how a young network engineer becomes a world-class hacker. Beware, it’s addictive! ✅ Snowden. A gripping thriller based on true events and the life of Edward Snowden. Nevertheless, it is not without fiction – a professional eye will definitely notice inconsistencies in the […]

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consejos y trucos

Forgot Windows password? Bypass it with KON-BOOT!

Kon-Boot is a tool that allows accessing locked 💻 without knowing the user’s password. Unlike other solutions it does not reset or modify user’s password and all changes are reverted back to previous state after system restart. Kon-Boot has been used by military personnel, law enforcement, IT corporations, forensics experts, private customers. To bypass the […]

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