An anxious attachment is a type of attachment style that individuals form in their early childhood experiences with caregivers, which affects their future relationships in adulthood.
People with an anxious attachment style are often preoccupied with their relationships, and fear abandonment or rejection.
Characteristics of anxious attachment include:
Difficulty trusting others
Constant need for reassurance and validation from partners
Tendency to cling to partners or become overly involved in the relationship
Insecurity about the stability of the relationship
Difficulty with emotional regulation and tendency to have intense mood swings
An anxious attachment style can develop from inconsistent or emotionally unavailable parenting, leading to feelings of insecurity and unpredictability in relationships. These individuals often seek out partners who are emotionally distant or unreliable, perpetuating a cycle of anxiety and insecurity.

Treatment for anxious attachment often involves therapy to help individuals understand their attachment style, increase self-awareness, and develop healthier coping mechanisms. Interpersonal therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and attachment-based therapy can all be effective in treating anxious attachment.
In conclusion, anxious attachment is a common and complex issue that can have a significant impact on individuals’ personal and professional relationships.
With the right support and treatment, however, people with anxious attachment can learn to manage their anxieties and form healthier relationships.