Artículos La seguridad cibernética Tecnología

Los piratas informáticos abusaron de las aplicaciones Microsoft OAuth para violar las cuentas de correo electrónico corporativas

El martes, Microsoft anunció que tomó medidas para deshabilitar las cuentas falsas de Microsoft Partner Network (MPN) que se habían utilizado para crear aplicaciones OAuth dañinas como parte de una campaña de phishing destinada a infiltrarse en los entornos de nube de las empresas y robar correo electrónico. La empresa de TI afirmó que los actores fraudulentos “construyeron aplicaciones que posteriormente […]

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Artículos La seguridad cibernética Tecnología

La Agencia Cibernética Británica advierte sobre piratas informáticos rusos e iraníes que apuntan a industrias clave

El jueves, el Centro Nacional de Seguridad Cibernética (NCSC) del Reino Unido emitió una advertencia sobre los ataques de phishing dirigidos por actores patrocinados por el estado en Irán y Rusia. La agencia culpó a SEABORGIUM (también conocido como Callisto, COLDRIVER y TA446) y APT42 por las intrusiones (también conocidas como ITG18, TA453 y Yellow Garuda). A pesar de los paralelismos en la forma en que […]

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Artículos La seguridad cibernética Tecnología

Más de 4500 sitios de Worldpress pirateados para redirigir a los visitantes a páginas de anuncios incompletos

Una campaña masiva ha infectado a más de 4500 sitios web de WordPress como parte de una operación en curso que se cree que está activa desde 2017. Según el propietario de Godadddy, Sucuri, las infecciones implican la inyección de un JavaScript alojado en el dominio llamado “track[.] violetlovelines[.]com que está diseñado para redirigir a los visitantes a algunos sitios no deseados. Lo último […]

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Artículos La seguridad cibernética Tecnología

Los piratas informáticos chinos utilizan el malware Golang en los ataques Dragon Spark

Organizations in East Asia are targeted by likely Chinese-speaking actor dubbed DragonSpark while employing uncommon tactics to go past security layers. Chinese hackers utilize malware and attacks are characterized by use of open source SparkRAT and malware which attempts to evade detection through a Golang source code interpretation. A striking aspect of the intrusions is […]

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Artículos La seguridad cibernética Tecnología

Emotet Malware Makes a Comeback with New Evasion Technique

The Emotet malware operation has continued to refine its tactics in a effort to fly under the radar while acting as a conduit for other dangerous malware such as Bumblebee and IcedID. Emotet which is officially reemerged in late 2021 after which a coordinated takedown of its infrastructure by authorities earlier that year which has […]

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Artículos La seguridad cibernética Tecnología

Apple issues Update for older Devices

Apple has fixes for a recently disclosed critical security flaw that is affecting older devices which is reciting evidence of active exploitation. The issue which is tracked as CVE-2022-42856 and is a type confusion vulnerability in the WebKit browser engine that could result in arbitrary code execution when processing maliciously crafted web content. While it […]

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Artículos La seguridad cibernética Tecnología

Samsung Galaxy Store App Vulnerable to Sneaky App Install

Two security flaws has disclosed in Samsung’s Galaxy Store app for Android that are exploited by a local attacker to install arbitrary apps to fraudulent landing pages on the web. The issues that tracked as CVE-2023-21433 and CVE-2023-21434, were discovered by NCC Group which is notified to the South Korean chaebol in November and December […]

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La seguridad cibernética Tecnología

Chinese Hackers Exploited Recent Fortinet Flaw

Suspected China-nexus threat actor exploited a recently patched vulnerability in Fortinet FortiOS SSL-VPN as a zero-day in attacks which are targeting a European government entity and a managed service provider (MSP)that is located in Africa. Telemetry evidence gathered by Google-owned Mandiant indicates that the exploitation is occurred as early as October 2022which is at least […]

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Artículos Tecnología

The Most Awaited ChatGPT API by OpenAI set to Release Soon – A Game Changer in AI-Powered Language Generation

OpenAI, the leading AI research organization, is soon set to release the much-awaited ChatGPT API. This powerful language model is trained on a massive dataset of internet text and can generate natural-sounding text in a variety of styles and formats. With the ability to understand context, ChatGPT can generate text that is relevant to a given topic or conversation. The release of the API will make it easy for developers and businesses to integrate the model into their own systems and applications, unlocking the potential for a range of applications such as chatbots, automated customer service, and content creation. Get ready to experience the advancements in AI-powered language generation with OpenAI’s ChatGPT API.

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Artículos Tecnología

Manufacturing Workflow in ERPNEXT

Manufacturing workflow in ERPNEXT involve series of things which are important for manufacturing a product. It involves creating new item,then add details of customer , supplier of rawmaterials,creating bills of material ,production plan,sales and order and purchase order for item and then add rate for delivery so that manufacturing product can be ready for delivering […]

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